Thursday, May 19, 2005

It came from the mountains...

Hey Folks, Biagi again. I had the opportunity this morning to talk with David Fann up in Cedeco via the radio. Fann said that the Solar Panel team had their Panels up and running and were already charging the battery. This means that the refrigerator is up and running too. All that remains is the rafter team's project which he said was going quite well. David also told me that they had celebrated Karla's birthday and that they are trying to get a cake up there to finalize the event. I let him know that several of you had expressed birthday wishes for Karla and he said he would pass them along. Everything else is going well, our projects here at Predisan are almost done and we are hoping to join the teams in Cedeco for the weekend. Well it's back to work, we will be in touch more later.

Again thanks for the support and God bless,



At 6:50 AM, Blogger Tony Arnold said...

Hello to all and especially Kris and anyone else in the Arnold life group on the trip (is that our Elizabeth or a different one?). We pray every night for your work and safety. God's speed and power to you all. I just found out about the blog from Amanda's post.

Could someone post a list of the team if it doesn't violate a safety precaution.

In Christ,

Tony, Anita, and Maria Arnold


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