Reflections by Fort Gwinn
How can I express what this trip meant to me? This trip was a sort of pilgrimage. As most all of you know, I was supposed to go to Predisan with last years group, but due to some unexpected health concerns I had to stay home. Lee Whitney went in my place to oversee the construction of the tower (Lee, I am continually amazed at the way God works through you).
So the trip this year had two purposes for me. First, to work with students and friends on the improvements to the CEDECO building and to support the installation of the solar panels. And secondly, to see, to touch, and to climb the water tower that was built last year.
While there, I discovered a third purpose for the trip...the people of Honduras. I was touched by their loving, generous spirit. The Christians in Las Delecias are filled with God's spirit and their beautiful children are a blessing from heaven.
God willing, I plan to visit CEDECO again.
THis is so long after the fact that I bet this will never get read. Dr. Gwin we missed you on that first trip, but know that you were never far from our hearts. I an engouraged by your words and experiences, being able to visit "the tower" after the fact must have been an interesting experience. I wish I could have been there to see your reaction. Thank you for your continuing guidence and leadership!
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